
Happy Mother's Day



This is my wife’s first Mother’s day, so if you could send her a message on Yahoo that says “HAPPY MOTHERS DAY FROM ROBERT” I would greatly appreciate it. I am trying to get her whole screen filled up with random people saying Happy Mothers Day. You see, I try to be as inventive as I can on holidays so that I can suprise her. So please, help me out. Her nick is (Thanks for your support she loved it) . Thanks. And yes, she will probably kill me for letting her nick out.

I would also like to say Happy Mother’s day to my Mom, she already has her present though. I gave her one of those print-anywhere printers with a digital camera. I think it’s one of the most useful gifts I ever got her. ;-) I bought her some perls one time, I think they have only seen the light of day once or twice. Anyways, to you Mom, and to all the other mothers out there, this is for you.

Thanks again,
