Mubix "Rob" Fuller
Hack the Box: |
Rob has over 17 years of experience covering all facets of information security. He has been behind the lines helping to design, build, and defend the US Marine Corps, US Senate, and Pentagon networks - as well as performing penetration tests and Red Team engagements against those same networks. More recently, Rob has built and led numerous Red Teams in successful engagements against many of the Fortune 50 companies, representing some of the best defensive teams in the industry.
Rob’s experience and expertise ranges from embedded and wireless devices in ICS/OT networks to standard IT infrastructures. He is a frequent speaker and trainer at a number of well-known security conferences. He has also served as a senior technical advisor for HBO’s show Silicon Valley.
Rob has acquired a number of certifications and awards over the years, but the ones he holds above the rest are father, husband, and United States Marine.
Some of my favorite quotes
Denzel Washington
Dreams without goals are just dream that are ultimately fuel for disappointment. On the road to achieving your dreams, you must apply dicipline, but more importantly consistency, because without commitment you’ll never start, but without consistency, you’ll never finish.